Meet the Team: Shelley Obst

Introducing Shelley Obst, Generation 3 research assistant, interviewer and one of our brightest 2017 Honours students:

Q1) How long have you been involved with the ATP?
“I commenced my involvement with the ATP earlier this year as an Honours student, and have had the privilege of using data from the ATP for my thesis. I have now completed my student placement and am very fortunate to be able to continue with the ATP in a research assistant and interviewing role.”

Q2) What is your favourite part about your role with the ATP?
“I love being able to talk to study participants! It is incredibly rewarding when participants are so involved and willing to provide insight into their families and personal experiences.”

Q3) What is the hardest thing about your role?
“Talking to participants can also be difficult as many participants open up about their lives and hardships that they may be experiencing. We do our best to work through these challenges with participants and link them in with support services when needed. I’m grateful for this opportunity to be able to help people where I can, and our new website has a wealth of great websites and services for this.”

Q4) How do you think the ATP is making a difference?
“The accumulation of three generations of data is just amazing and really unique. With this data we are able to identify patterns of social and emotional development and behaviours throughout generations. It is incredibly exciting that we can use this to promote health and wellbeing in future generations.”

Q5) When you are not at work, how do you relax?
“I enjoy spending time with my partner and our daughter; we all love to go camping and exploring. I must admit I’m not great at relaxing! I seem to always be on the go whether it is home improvements or gardening, but when I get the chance I do love to sit down with a good book.”

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