Over the past four decades, the ATP has attracted numerous scientific grants from major funding bodies such as the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Research Council (ARC). Table 1 provides the history of grant income to the project, including sub-studies (highlighted in grey), funding sources, and principal investigators. 

Table 1: Grant funding timeline for the Australian Temperament Project since commencement in 1983. 

Generation Grant Scheme Investigators
2024 – 2029

Extending lifespan and healthspan: A 40-year prospective cohort study of early life determinants of leading causes of mental disorder and chronic disease burden in populations


1+2+ 3 National Health and Medical Research Council

Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies


Craig Olsson
Dave Burgner
Joanne Ryan
Timothy Slade
Christopher Greenwood
Elizabeth Spry
Peter Azzopardi
Primrose Letcher
Suzanne Robinson
Bob Hancox
2024 – 2026
Wave 17Drivers of ageing and adaptive ageing in middle-aged and older adults
1+2 Australian Research Council

National Health and Medical Research Council

Craig Olsson

Peter Butterworth
Peter Enticott
Christopher Greenwood
Robert Hancox
Primrose Letcher
Suzanne Robinson
Joanne Ryan
Timothy Slade
Viviana Wuthrich



2020 – 2024
Development and Trial implementation of a Comprehensive Intergenerational Mental Health Monitoring System
3 National Health and Medical Research Council

Investigator Grant

Craig Olsson
2020 – 2022
Intergenerational Determinants of Child Development on School Entry
3 Australian Research Council

Discovery Project

Craig Olsson
Ann Sanson
Peter Enticott
Jenn McIntosh
Martin Guhn
Jacqui Macdonald
2018 – 2020
The Intergenerational Origins of Childhood Emotional Security: A Cross Cohort Analysis Spanning Three Cohorts and Three Generations
3 Australian Research Council

Discovery Project

Craig Olsson
George Patton
Bob Hancox
Rob McGee
Delyse Hutchinson
George Youssef
Jenn McIntosh
2017 – 2019
Trial of the Toddler Development Instrument
3 Ian Potter Foundation Grant Department of Education and Training Victoria Craig Olsson
Catherine Watkin Nolan
John Toumbourou
2016 – 2018
ATP Generation 3 Life Perinatal (Completion)
3 Australian Research Council

Discovery Project Grant

Craig Olsson
Ann Sanson
Jen McIntosh
Rob McGee
Jacqui Macdonald
Delyse Hutchinson
Andrew Lewis
Ben Edwards
2015 – 2020
ATP Generation 3 Life@4 years
3 National Health and Medical Research Council

Project Grant

Craig Olsson
Ann Sanson
George Patton
Rob McGee
Jen McIntosh
G. Carol
Delyse Hutchinson
Ben Edwards
2014 – 2015
Wave 16, 31-32 years
1+2 Australian Institute of Family Studies
ATP Generation 3 Study funds
2013 – 2017
Principal Research Fellowship
3 Australian Research Council

Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award.

Craig Olsson
2013 – 2016
ATP Generation 3 Life Perinatal
3 Australian Research Council

Discovery Project Grant

Craig Olsson
Ann Sanson
John W. Toumbourou
Delyse Hutchinson
Andrew Lewis
Ben Edwards
Rob McGee
2011 – 2012
Pilot: ATP Generation 3 Study
3 Financial Markets for Children
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute
Craig Olsson
Ann Sanson
John W. Toumbourou
Jacqui Macdonald
2011 – 2012
Stability and change in driving behaviour from late teens to late twenties
1+2 Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
2010 – 2011
Wave 15, 27-28 years
1+2 Australian Research Council
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
2008 – 2010
The development and sequelae of problematic alcohol use
1+2 R.E. Ross Trust
2006 – 2009
Continuity of driving behaviour in early adulthood
1+2 Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Vitoria
2006 – 2007
Wave 14, 23-24 years
1+2 Australian Research Council
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
2002 – 2005
Driving behaviour in early adulthood
1+2 Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Vitoria
2002 – 2005
Patterns, precursors and consequences of adolescent antisocial behaviour
1+2 Crime Prevention Victoria
Wave 13, 19-20 years
1+2 Australian Institute of Family Studies
Crime Prevention Victoria
Transport Accident Commission of Victoria
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 12, 17-18 years
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council (part of g above)
Disordered eating
1+2 Australian Research Council small grants (La Trobe)
Licit and illicit substance use
1+2 R.E. Ross Trust
1998 – 2000
Risk and resilience
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
1998 – 1999
1+2 Australian Research Council
Adolescent substance use
1+2 Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
Wave 11, 15-16 years
1+2 Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
Wave 10, 13-14 years
1+2 Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
Wave 9, 12-13 years
1+2 La Trobe University
1994 – 1996
Transitions to adolescence
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 8, 11-12 years
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council (part of d below) Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
Wave 7, 9-10 years
1+2 La Trobe University
1991 – 1994
Chronic illness
1+2 Victorian Health Promotion Fund
Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
1992 – 1993
Reading difficulties
1+2 Australian Research Council
Wave 6, 7-8 years
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 5, 5-6 years
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
1986 – 1989
Interview Family study
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 4, 3-4 years 1986
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 3, 2-3 years
1+2 National Health and Medical Research Council
Wave 2, 1-2 years
1+2 Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation
Wave 1, 4-8 months
1+2 Royal Children’s Hospital Research Foundation