

Founding Investigators

Professor Peter Butterworth

Professor, Deakin University


Professor Ben Edwards

Senior Fellow, ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods


Professor Peter Enticott

Associate Dean, Research, Deakin University

Pro Vice-Chancellor, Research Planning and Governance, Deakin University

ARC Future Fellow, Neurodevelopmental Studies


Dr Martha Finn

Monash Ultrasound for Women

Neurosonographer, Neurodevelopmental Studies


Dr Peter Fransquet

Executive Dean Health Research Fellow, Deakin University

Molecular Studies Coordinator (DNA)


Professor Carol George

Professor of Psychology at Mills College


Associate Professor Martin Guhn

Director Human Early Partnership, UBC, Vancouver, Canada


Professor Bob Hancox

Research Professor and Head of Department, University of Otago


Associate Professor Delyse Hutchinson

NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow (2021-2025)


Associate Professor Jacqui Macdonald

Mid-Career Research Fellow & Founding G3 Project Manager (2011-2013)


Professor Bob Marvin

Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia School of Medicine

International Collaboration

Professor Jennifer McIntosh

Director and Professor of Systemic Practice (Family Therapy) at the Bouverie Centre, La Trobe University

Clinical Investigator, Attachment Studies


Professor Suzanne Robinson

Chair and Head, Deakin Health Economics, Deakin University


Associate Professor Joanne Ryan

Associate Professor, Monash University

Heads the Biological Neuropsychiatry and Dementia research unit in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Genetics and Epigenetics


Professor Allan N. Schore

Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, UCLA

International Collaborator


Professor Tim Slade

Associate Professor, Sydney Medical School / The Matilda Centre


Dr Liz Spry

Early Career Research Fellow


Dr Judith Solomon

Director of Training, the Child FIRST Program at Bridgeport Hospital in Bridgeport, Connecticut

International Collaborator


Professor Sarah Whittle

NHMRC Career Development Prof Fellow, University of Melbourne NHMRC CDF, Neurodevelopmental Studies


Professor Viviana Wuthrich

Professor, Macquarie University






Professor Frank Oberklaid

Co-Group Leader of Child Health Policy, Equity and Translation at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and an Honorary Professor of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne.


Professor Margot Prior

Professorial Fellow, The University of Melbourne


Professor Ann Sanson

Honorary Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne


Dr Diana Smart

Senior Research Fellow, Australian Institute of Family Studies


Dr Suzanne Vassallo

Senior Research Fellow (Training Development and Innovation), Deakin University



Biometrics Studies

Professor David Burgner

Principal Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute


Jenn Copley

Research Assistant, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute


Meg Kaegi

Research Assistant, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute


Associate Professor Jonathan Mynard 

Senior Research Fellow, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute